In today’s world of increasingly high demands on young children, Kindergarten
readiness expectations have risen dramatically. It is the goal of the Junior
Kindergarten program to give young five-year olds the benefit of extra time in a
stimulating, interactive and play-based setting. The opportunities offered
through many enhanced programs, provide them with the tools and experiences
they will need to be successful as they move onto Kindergarten.
Children in Junior Kindergarten receive weekly classes in music, movement,
chapel, library and bi-weekly instruction in Spanish and Godly Play. Performance
opportunities in music and storytelling along with field trips, occur throughout the school year.
The center-based curriculum provides daily hands-on instruction in pre-literacy,
pre-math, fine-motor, art and science. JK students are instructed using the “Kick
Start to Kindergarten” Learning Without Tears Handwriting program. The
children have ample time to play, both in the classroom and outdoors each day.
Students bring a lunch from home and dismiss at 1:00 P.M.
JK Program Offerings
Extended school day 9AM-1PM
Center-based curriculum with daily activities in Math, Literacy, Science, Art and Fine-motor
Performance opportunities in music and storytelling
Field trips
Monthly subscription to “Let’s Find Out” Scholastic Magazine
Focus on Upper and Lowercase Handwriting using the Kick Start to Kindergarten Learning Without Tears program.
Monthly cooking projects
Book Buddies
Show and Tell
Music, Movement, Chapel, Library, Spanish and Godly Play
Students check out library books weekly